What is an Algorithm?

In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm is a finite sequence of well-defined, computer-implementable instructions. It is used to describe a step-by-step procedure in order to develop a program. At the same time, algorithms can help software developers who love to check different steps in the work and the correctness in each step involved.
Principles of writing algorithms
- An important factor in writing an algorithm is having a clear and identifiable starting point.
- A good algorithm should have clear, unambiguous steps. Instructions should be clearly defined.
- Each step of the work should be concise and written out in the most simple way possible. This will aid in the quickness of the program and allow others reading post-production to understand
- Each step in the algorithm should work directly related to the step before it, with no breaks in connection and no unneeded steps.
- A good algorithm design should cover a variety of functions, and on occasions when an unknown function is input into the system, the algorithm should be able to recognize and alert the programmer of the potential problem.
Different types of algorithms
- Sequential: must follow a strict step by step process, completing each step before moving on to anything else in the flow.

2. Decision/choice: an algorithm that formatted in a way that input is directed in particular directions depending on results. There is a condition that determines the work path of the solution process.

3. Repetition: similar to the decision type, the difference is that depending on conditions, the algorithm can either move onto the next step, or circle back to the beginning. looping like this continuously, until the specified conditions are met in order to move on.

During my job hunting, I have focused my attention on learning more about algorithms, it is a very good skill to have as a software developer. I hope this blog helped create a clear picture of how to get started implementing algorithms into your skillset.