Props vs State in React
Normally you start out with React’s JSX syntax for rendering something to the browser when learning about React. Basically JSX (Html mixing JavaScript)
In a React component, props stand for properties and are being used for passing data from one component to another. State allows you to create components that are dynamic and interactive.

There is no way to pass props from a child to a parent component.
When data is passed from a parent component to a child component this is called passing props. Props are read-only. There are many situations when writing React where you’ll want to pass a function as a prop to change the state of a parent component.

What is the state?
State is like a data store to the React component. It is mostly used to update the component when the user performs some action like clicking a button, typing some text, etc. State could only be used in class components, not in functional components before the introduction of hooks. After the initial state setup, the way you can update the state by using the method called setState( ).

React is a Javascript library/frontend framework that allows developers to make complex applications faster and more organized with components. I hope this blog helps you understand the basics of props and state.