My experience as a speaker for Women Who Code

After finishing coding school as a full stack developer, I had a great privilege, that you can’t buy anywhere. During this event, I talked about Vue.Js and how I self-taught with a new language. I had 2 months of prep before the presentation. That was plenty of time to prepare but I was fresh right out of school and very nervous about how I would come across.
- I did research about Vue.js to try and adapt to my previous skill.
- After the research, I started coding right away just to feel and learn from my mistakes.
- Layed out my features and chose technology for my backend and database, which one is going to be the most beneficial for me. I used Node express and MongoDB, these were also new tech for me.
- I set my goal low and kept working on small tasks till I finished a small piece, then moved forward.
- When feeling stuck, I took a break or asked for help.

For this project, I used all new tech with backend and frontend to challenge myself. I worked my way and tried very hard to make this project but at the end it was worth it.
As the presentation day came closer, I practiced a couple of times a day to make sure I am prepared and ready. Before the presentation, I am sweaty and nervous because I have to talk in front of everybody.
Everything went well, I prepared very well and underestimated myself, after the moment of the event I felt great and overcame my fear. I was full of happiness because a lot of people messaged me and said I am an inspiration to them and asked me for advice. I felt so great because I showed a vulnerable part of myself, and came back with very positive reviews. I loved to be able to have motivation and inspiration and to help people have confidence. I believe everybody can be a software engineer, but great software developers do not come overnight. It takes time and experience, keeps learning to make sure your skills are sharp, and when the opportunity comes you’re ready to take it.
For this blog, I am happy to share a good experience about my last year in my new career. And I wish everybody luck if you’re job hunting right now, including myself. We all will have good opportunities and I believe one day some company will give me a chance to share my value.