How to start when you know you need a domain name for your website?
When we think of having our own web site First of all. We must first ask ourselves what is the name of the www, we call it the domain name.
Now, choosing a domain name is not very easy. let me suggest that the title corresponds to what we are doing. For example I opened a shop selling furniture imported from Bali. I would chose to use or anything alike. Because people will quickly relate and understand what the website is about. Another thing, the website name should be easy to remember, and easy to type.
once we can think of an appropriate name, the next step we have to check is if the domain is free for us to use? Do not forget that Websites are made by people all over the world, some names have already been written down. The more short and simple a name, the higher the likely hood of it already being used.
How to check if it’s free or not, please go to this website. Then type the domain name that you want to check.

I used this example to see that this name has been taken, but it will sometimes have a proposal that allows you to change slightly, to something that is free, like going from a .com to a .net.

I advise, that if possible, look for a .com as most people are familiar with the dot coms. also, each thing has different meanings, for example, if you are doing a company website, it will be .com .co .th, something like this, if it is a corporate website, it will be .org.
When we find the name that is available the next step is to register the domain. There are many forms of domain registration, namely
- Write by myself.
- Register through companies that provide domain registration services with servers.
The first one is to write for yourself. At this stage, we have to compare and see where can I buy a domain from? Prices for each domain are not the same as well. Some websites also offer us another discount in the event of a purchase of two years or more, something like this, the price of most domains will not exceed $ 15. The websites that I recommend are as follows.
Then compare prices, my advice is to see what the post-promotion price looks like. Perhaps the first year was extremely cheap. But the following year was very expensive then choose carefully.
Domain price we will pay every year. So if anyone is taking a year by year Do not forget to renew it as well.
I hope this blog will help you know the basics so you can easily buy a domain name.