How I become a software developer with English as my second language
5 Tips for finding success in school with English as a second language
I moved from Thailand to the U.S. 4 years ago with little knowledge of the English language. From there I worked hard and my English got better every single day. I love to be creative and to solve the problems, so I decided to become a software developer. I will be able to design web sites, use my creativity, and solve hard problems.

My first week in school was very hard, filled with so many new terms and words. Since English is not my first language that means I must translate English to Thai and from there I have to understand the programmer language. Seem like a lot of work right?!!! YES, it is a lot of work, but I thought a new challenge would be good for me. I motivate myself every day to be a software developer even though it is difficult. English is my weakness, that is true, but I use that weakness to push myself, to remind myself every day I have to study harder and longer than my peers so that I can meet my goal.
1. Have self-confidence
Self-confidence is the first step in learning a new skill. In order to fit into a new culture and feel comfortable working in the team, you must not be scared to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a great way to grow.
2. Learn programmer language and practice coding
Learning all the terms of the programming language will help you build a strong base of the language and understand coding much better. I made a notebook and I have a lot of vocabulary flashcards to help translate into my native language. Every time I don’t understand I can open the notebook and take a look. Practicing coding is very helpful as it uses muscle memory. Every time you type is another way to keep on learning.

3. Study the same topic may times
You should expect to spend many hours studying. I usually like to watch videos on YouTube to study and turn on the translation in the English language. This helps me learn more vocabulary and I make the video speak slowly. Usually, one tutorial is about 1 hour but it normally takes me about 3–4 hours to finish. If you can find a book or resource in your language that will help you too.
4. Be patient
You must be patient with yourself and listen to yourself if and when you need a break. Realize sometimes you might feel this is too hard and that you can’t do it. That is a normal feeling, but you need to think positively. Think about how cool it will be to become a software developer. Every day is hard, but I think it will be worth it.
5. Pay attention and listen
Paying attention in class and listening is a good skill to practice. You may not understand immediately for the first time and that is ok. You can take short notes on the topic you don’t understand and do more research on it later.
When English is your second language, you might have to try harder than other. For some people, it may only take a short time to be a software developer. You might be taking longer than them, but in the end we are all software developers.